
Everyday our lives are so busy with so many obligations. For example, those of us that are married, need time with our spouses to cultivate a relationship that will last. Then there are the needs of our children, the pets, the household chores, other relationships (family and friends), work, church activities, social functions, and school work, etc. How do we manage all these demands and still find the time to pray and read God's word so that our spiritual man can be fed and grow stronger. This is one of the questions that I always ask myself. I hope this blog will help make it easier to balance our busy lives so that we can make the time needed to be the person that God desires us to be. May I be a blessing to you.

The Sand Dollar Legend

The Sand Dollar Legend
Upon this odd-shaped seashell a legend grand is told, about the life of Jesus, that wondrous tale of old. At its center you will see, there seems to be a star, like the one that led the shepherds and wise men from afar. Around its surface are the marks of nails and thorns and spear, suffered by Christ upon the cross; the wounds show plainly here. But there is also an Easter lily, clear for us to see, the symbol of Christ's resurrection for all eternity.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthday Reflections

We all celebrate our birthdays differently. This year instead of having a big party with all the trimmings, I had several little gatherings to commemorate turning fifty (50).

I was able to spend time with all my children. We laughed and enjoyed being together. They gave me cards, gifts and serenaded me with the "Happy Birthday" song that they learned as little children so many years ago. It was a pleasure to be in their company. I am blessed!

I was also able to take a trip to a small beach town in the great State of Texas, curtsy of my sisters and mother. We stayed in a magnificent beach house that could have graced the cover of any architectural/design magazine with it's beautiful decor and spacious living areas. In this setting, we cooked meals, took walks on the beach, collected seashells, sat on the deck enjoying the ocean breeze and talked about our lives, our hopes, and our dreams. We laughed, we cried, we got serious and we listened to each other. There in our togetherness, I learned that despite our differences, we are family and I need them to be in my life. I believe we were able to reconnect in new and different ways, which ultimately strengthen the cords that bind us together.

I am so glad that they felt the need to commemorate my special day by clearing their calendar and spending time with me. Their random acts of kindness towards me healed wounds inside of me that I thought were incurable because of past misunderstandings. How they treated me was like a gentle oil that pour down from the top of my head to the soles of my feet cleansing me as it flowed downward. I felt the need to strife towards building a better relationship with them and to forget the past misconceptions. I was humbled and learned that unconditional love exists in many forms. but sometimes we are so blinded by our own shortcomings and perceptions that we cannot see beyond our own lives. How foolish we are when we allow our lives to be "All about Us," we can forget the most important things, like family, friends and being at peace with our fellowmen. I am old enough now to know that I am not always right and that I can admit it without losing face. Thanks Mom and thank you my beautiful sisters for putting me back on track, I love you dearly.

I will always remember my 50th birthday, not because I turned fifty, but because it was the turning point in my life that started me on a different route with a whole new outlook. While I welcome the changes that are ahead, I must be mindful that the things in my past will either make me or break me if I do not acknowledge them, and take the appropriate steps to improve my life, thus, making it better not only for myself, but for those around me.

This year as you celebrate your birthday, take the time to reflect on your life. Ask yourself questions that will help you make the appropriate changes needed for a better life. It is never too late to take responsibility for your life. Remember God loves you and He cares about your hopes and dreams. If He sees fit to give us another birthday, He has to have a reason and a plan for us. Do not waste the talents and gifts that He has given you. He created you for a higher purpose with endless possibilities. Acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Happy Birthday my friends, may you continue to be blessed and be a blessing to those around you.

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